Monday, June 24, 2013

Hallucinations: Imaginary Visions Don't Get Real Results

It's difficult to understand how plowing drug users with propaganda is supposed to work when, it's obvious, the thought processes currently flowing - from straight life - don't. Let's start with the obvious:

How is creating a society - filled with propaganda - supposed to make anyone want to live, much less, stay coherent? 

Are you kidding me? Do you see how far off the mark they were, whenever it first occurred to someone behind this clip to say, "Hey - I've got an idea!"? (All the, I guess, brilliant lawyer/professor Ann Althouse wondered, after seeing this, was "How'd they do that?") It's pretty obvious to most drug users what no one's addressing:

How coping - without drugs - is supposed to fix living with idiocy. 

For instance, there's a lot of religious nuts out there, of one kind or another, no more reasonable than your average drug addict. Did the existential problem they pose, somehow, go away because whoever made this "public service announcement"? Or, as the commercial depicts, did the creators conveniently think users would forget the existence they're stuck in, while watching this? (Really? It was considered that powerful?) Let's try something, few who make these things consider, and look at it all another way: 

Where's the commercial (and concern) for a fallen stoner friend who found an approved belief system but - as (wink, wink) his appearance improved and his mind sharpened - he increasingly used both to become popular as a rigid fanatic spouting nonsense about invisible beings who must be obeyed? 

See, now that's a common 1st World problem that people are dealing with. It needs addressing and, by doing so forthrightly and in a straight-ahead manner, you might make life more tolerable, allowing some users a clear pathway off drugs. 

Doing the one thing found, to make the incomprehensible tolerable, is irrational? Because you'll die? Life kills us all, sooner or later, so that's no argument.

Religion and drugs make life less than worth living, so they've both got you coming and going, but (the thinking goes) at least drugs give you something in return. There's a real incentive. 

Stop trying to scare people out of living - kill two birds with one stone: 

Fix a real problem and (most of) the imaginary go away, too,...

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