Saturday, January 16, 2021

Let's Talk About What We KNOW (The NewAge Democrat Party Has Done)

We know - 100% - Harvey Milk used his relationship with Jimmy Carter to help the Peoples Temple cult leader, Jim Jones, steal a child from his parents. We also know - 100% - that child died with Jim Jones as a result of Harvey Milk's intervention. And, we also know - 100% - Harvey Milk pimped Jim Jones' followers for his own campaigns. So, we can conclude - 100% - the blacks who died in the jungles of Guyana had no true friend in Harvey Milk.
Here's the letter Harvey Milk wrote to deceive President Carter and kidnap a child for Jim Jones. And yet, The Democrat Party turned this lying piece of filth into an American icon - while damaging the reputation of Dan White, a good cop who finally stopped him - and then they convinced the world their lies were true for 40 years. All over the bodies of 900 dead blacks. But you don't think they'd steal an election? What? Did they become too classy all of a sudden?
Remember, America: Alice doesn't get out of Wonderland until she matures enough to become rational again - and realizes the Red Queen's army are just a game being played - on her mind.

Speaking of red and queens: if, by 2008, Oprah Winfrey was well-known for spreading misinformation, frauds, quacks, and pseudoscience on American television, and around the world, (which someone, supposedly as smart as (socialist) President Obama is supposed to be, should know) what was he really awarding her for - in 2013 - after he, a political con artist, got elected twice, with her cult's help?

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