Saturday, March 27, 2021

The Oprahfication Of The Planet Started In The '90s (But Was Only Felt Today)

"So this is what happens when pseudoscience is called out in academia. SAGE Publishing is obviously not a bit concerned about science, despite their assurances, or they would never have launched a journal such as this. The editors do not worry about conflicts of interest or scientific evidence. They try to obfuscate when detailed criticism is published. The author does not even attempt to defend what she has written. I assume all of them are hoping that we will get weary of this and give up,...."

That's what happens in academia? Hell, that's what's happened in Science. That's what's happening in France. It's even worse in journalism - Oprah's supposed to be a journalist - and then you wonder how she campaigned with Obama, but without the press making a peep about her decades of pseudoscientific lies? It's just like they made the Democrat Party's last three years of "Russian Collusion" deceit just vanish into thin air (with all it implies about who's running things now,...). They sincerely expect us to swallow whatever they last throw on our plate, and forget whatever dishonest bullshit they previously served.
And Trump is a *perfect* fallback, as the last thing to put on our plate.

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