Thursday, March 4, 2021

NewAge Necrophelia

"It could be argued that there are traces of sixties religiosity in the liberalism of recent decades. An obvious example is the myth of “the Goddess” that emerged in the seventies and still flourishes,...A second example is the puritanical ironclad dogma and inquisitional “political correctness” of the eighties,...a cult that brainwashed even sophisticated journalists,...A third example is poststructuralism, which infested American humanities departments from the late seventies through the mid- nineties,..." 

That's almost precisely what I've been arguing, but, I'm learning to accept that I'm a terrible advocate for the truth about cultism, since no one responds to me positively, and - whether I'm correct or not - my posts never get passed around, much less go viral, etc. I'm writing this, basically, to myself, because, like President Trump, people (cultists or not) genuinely don't like me, so being correct is beside the point: like him, I must and will be ignored, demonized, or destroyed - just for having the temerity to exist.
Hence, the blog's title. The truth does exist. And it will be told, even if only I know it. So here it is again: 


A week ago, when asked why the media is collectively slanting stories, the great Investigative Journalist, Sharyl Attkisson, rather unconvincingly said it was because "corporate interests" are involved, which may be true (just see Jeff Bezos' ownership of The Washington Post as an example) but that answer doesn't explain why corporations would automatically equal deception or group think.
Most Journalists who are onto this story get most of it, the dry details, but they all miss the meat of the story, because they're either A) too politically biased to be honest or B) find it currently - except in film - too rancid a cut to swallow: Cultism, worthy of the Dark Ages, is raging out-of-control in the modern world, and - undeterred - it's altering everything it touches, for the worse. Waiting for cultists to admit what they do (as they did years after after stealing the San Francisco election for Harvey Milk) is a fool's game.


That New Age was "establishing itself as the hegemonic ideology of global capitalism" was an established fact as far back as 2001. As the (frightening in hindsight) ending to the TV show "Mad Men" showed us, the NewAge Movement had had almost a quarter century head start, on the rest of us, to start corroding everything, by then. By 2005, The Age of Unreason was in full swing, long after mumbo-jumbo had already conqured the world and proved itself idiot proof. We're now over 15 years later and we haven't even started addressing the problem.


A Corporate Cult Question: Why would Google repeatedly have Deepak Chopra as a speaker if it's not part of the NewAge cult? Isn't Google supposed to be intelligent? Then why didn't they do a search and learn he's a fraud - part of the Maharishi Caper of the '80s - or did they not care and, in true cult fashion, invite him anyway? Repeatedly.


And why is so little attention paid to the long acknowledged and crazy cultism integral to tech culture? It's on offer to see in everything from "The Pirates of Silicon Valley" to the TV show "Silicon Valley" but cultism and ite'sffects are hardly mentioned in real society. Even now that they've gone full-on fascist.
Maybe it's because, as Camille Paglia wrote, "In cultic experience, death is sexy." Penelope Dingle's NewAge husband married the homeopath who killed his wife. After 20 years of marriage, I discovered my NewAge wife's affair with a homeopath, and cult participation, packaged with her Mother's funeral. Her homeopathic lover turned her on to Ken Wilber. He wrote a book called "One Taste". One Taste is the name of a San Fancisco-based sex cult, currently under investigation by the FBI.
"In cultic experience, death is sexy." Ken Wilber is President Bill Clinton's guru. Clinton killed Ricky Ray Rector to distract from a 12-year affair with Gennifer Flowers, and also bombed an African aspirin factory to divert attention from his sexual dalliances in the White House with Monica Lewinsky. Ken WIlber runs an outfit with Marc Gafni, the Whole Foods rapist. Hillary Clinton cackled when watching Libya's Ghaddafi get a butcher knife put - literally - up his ass. Her friend, the Democrat donor, Ed Buck, is awaiting trial, right now, for killing three black men he was trying to sleep with.
Marianne Williamson is but one of the many spiritual advisors who help to produce these results. She also helped a lot of gay guys die early during the AIDS Crisis. Because "in cultic experience, death is sexy." 

And that's the truth.

1 comment:

  1. You are appreciated.
    You are forthright and truthful.
    You arrange your posts as musical compositions.
    They make sound.
