Friday, March 12, 2021

The Evolution Of The Republican Party (From Credible To Totally Crazy)

Years ago, Marco Rubio told the Republicans to stop being the stupid party, and - they most certainly have. They've gotten worse.
In 2012, there was a Republican Party Election Autopsy that said they had a race problem. They ignored it - because (as Marco Rubio noted) by that time they still enjoyed being the stupid party. They probably still do.
Being aggressively stupid is who they are (see Glenn Reynolds) and I can prove it: the late Andrew Breitbart told them "politics lives downstream from culture" but - they ignored him, too - so, who owns the culture today, after Andrew's long gone? Who are all the artists and celebrities backing, as conservatives endlessly discuss politics, they've lost all control over?
They won't even go after Oprah - even after she elected a President, owns a production company to market any lie she wants (and does) and manufactures and promotes rapists, murderers, alternate histories, misinformation, and pseudoscience, and has been a kingmaker for over 30 years.
Any "political party" that lets that happen, and they do nothing - as her side attacks them relentlessly and wins - has gone far beyond "stupid" in my book.

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