Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Takes One (To No One)

“True Skeptics” are unicorns. Everyone is a rational, skeptical person that values truth, reason, and science until you hit some nerve, some irrational belief that they hold dear. And then the “skepticism” goes down the drain. The more topics you talk about, the [more] lonely you will be. And then you became a unicorn or, in the words of Malcolm Gladwell in the book “Talking to Strangers”, a Holy Fool: the truth-teller that is an outcast.
Story of my life - and TMR. For instance, we're quoting a Guest Blogger (from Portugal) on the site of Professor Edzard Ernst, (above) a great skeptic when it comes to exposing alternative medicine, but who holds irrational beliefs - and has a "nerve" that most definitely can be struck - when it comes to Donald Trump, and understanding the realities of American politics, all the way from his home over in France (and being a German who's told to see "Hitler" yada, yada, yada - a situation I'm more-than-a-little familiar with, and sympathetic to,...) The man will simply not hear facts - or a viewpoint opposing the Democrat Party - so he, himself, has been talked into spreading their misinformation, and acting on it, putting him precisely where no skeptic (but, especially, one of his heavyweight caliber in the battle for Reason) should want to be, politically:
Standing with Oprah - and the purveyors of alternative medicine.

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