Thursday, May 27, 2021

As The U.S. Continues To Do As I Say (Althouse Says Nothing After My Years)

"Many of the progressive and holistic ideas that lie at the heart of today’s lifestyle Left, the environmental Left, and the New Age movement share numerous unquestioned philosophical, emotional, and practical similarities with the intellectual and cultural currents that fed into and sustained Nazism." 

I've been right so often, about things I've discussed with them and their Uber-rightwing commenters - like Glenn's years of promoting quackery - it's maddening, and unfair, they say nothing as, say, Ann Althouse will regularly display her nepotism (and narcissism) by pumping her son's utterly banal (and often wrong) observations, but not mine - when they stay on-topic, about reparations, and other important, and current, topics. Many of which - rape, by politicians, etc. - demand addressing, but they won't touch.
White bloggers being (often) wrong about race issues means nothing to them but "shut up" (as they accuse others of saying). They never report it. Setting things straight isn't on their agenda - just keep encouraging foam-at-the-mouth followers (many of whom are racists) and keep the clicks coming.
Being quietly unfair - AKA marginalizing blacks and our opinions from discussion - is another way whites (but especially white bloggers) stay "generous" racists.

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