Wednesday, October 11, 2023



TMR has been searching all day for Israel's "right to exist" as a Jewish homeland and just can't find one. Heard the tale, over and over again, and it keeps coming out the same way: 

The Israelis are being assholes.
Romans chased the Jews from Israel 3,000 years ago - not the Palestinians - Romans.
They stayed gone until after WWII. Then British colonialists decided the Jews could move back - not the Palestinians or the Arabs who've lived there for the previous 3000 years - British colonialists.
So the Jews moved back and started kicking Palestinians out - at the point of a gun. In other words, the Israelis started doing everything to the Palestinians that the Jews had happen to them elsewhere. But - just like the Jews - the Palestinians hadn't done anything to deserve the abuse. They just lost their homes, lands, and lives, because racists in Yurp made problems. 
But the Israelis don't care - when they ought to be ashamed of themselves - because there's no "right to exist" as a Jewish homeland in that story. The Jews lost that land - and the British had no right to give it back - so, understandably, the Palestinians are upset, because people are always very possessive of their land. It's beyond unfair, and reeks of a historically fucked-up situation. As Christopher Hitchens said, the Palestinians clearly have more right to be there than some Jew who just arrived from Brooklyn. Face it:
When The Joker told Batman some people like to see the world burn, he was talking about the Israelis, demanding they can set-up shop where someone was already living. They couldn't have rationally expected anything else.

And, oh yeah - about the claim God gave that land to the Jews? Grow-the-fuck-up.

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