Monday, October 9, 2023

Taking A "Side" In A World Spinning Round (With No Understanding Of Orbits)

TMR always feels kind of frustrated when peeking over to Instapundit, to see Glenn Reynolds, say, "punching down" to call Harvard students "enemies of civilization," instead of admitting the obvious:

Our educators aren't much when it comes to, you know, educating.
Otherwise, Harvard students (and others) would think the "correct" thoughts about Middle East wars, right-right? But, apparently, they don't. Instead, they share a singular vision:
From the outside looking in, anti-Zionists appear to think Israel was created from Nazi terror, but - for Israel to exist - it's had to terrorize the Palestinians. Now, if there's a problem with that narrative, some lie of omission or missing piece of evidence, I would think educators would make it their job to expose that, and end all disagreement. But, instead, "Teachers" call young people names.
Of course, TMR views all conflict as the inevitable result of people lacking reason. But very few are interested in fighting the enemies of reason - religion, other superstitious beliefs, and pseudoscience - that both Jews and Palestinians (and Iranians and Americans) share. Nah, history shows, in order to keep those going, they'd rather take metal tongs to each other if necessary.
Human Beings: Always using the old noggin.

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