Sunday, January 17, 2010

Everybody Needs Help (But Of Different Kinds)

"All psychotherapies, most psychiatric drugs, and every mass self-help movement for the last half-century have sought to instill one thought or experience -- 'What, me worry?'

More broadly, they have all tried to get Americans to lighten up, to realize that they are in a relatively good place (the Americans in bad places -- i.e., poor Americans -- don't receive therapy, take meds, or join self-help and support groups) -- in short, to look on the bright side.

EST held sway over America for exactly a decade, becoming something like a mass cult. It then moved on from curing America's malaise to solving world hunger. Well, one out of two ain't bad."
Stanton Peele, explaining why I've never fallen in with this nonsense (and why I ask for donations on every post) and why so many people, with more money than I have, disagree with me/dislike me/refuse to donate to me, while they continue utilizing cultish thinking from the '70s, and reading the cult-oriented and inspired, Huffington Post.

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