Wednesday, March 3, 2010

An Obama Supporter Speaks (After His Guy Won)

"It doesn't take much blasphemy to note how all religions are, across the board, brazen, synthetic freakshows, far stranger and more surreal in their oddball accumulation of fetishes and rituals than anything your average agnostic, atheist or Burning Man devotee could come up with in her happiest LSD-soaked dreamgasm. You ever been to a Catholic mass? A Mormon temple? A mosque? Disneyland on acid, people. And not in the good way.

Perhaps this is exactly what scares the rigid, the fearful, the conservative mindset most of all. If you really acknowledge our collective weirdness, if you look closely at what makes up the haphazard human spectacle, you are left with one overwhelming and totally awesome conclusion: If God really does exist, She is one deviously kinky, delightfully insane barrel of monkeys indeed."
-- Mark Morford, finally writing something I kinda-sorta agree with - though I wouldn't call insanity (or this self-proclaimed Zen Master's previous insane proclamations) "delightful" - in The San Francisco Chronicle.

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