Monday, December 21, 2020

Until The Public Feels The Same About Cults And Cultists, As Ex-Cultists And Anti-Cultists, We'll Get Nowhere With Cults (But Back To Their Damn Movies)

Tom does not believe in illness unless one is connected to suppressive persons, and Tom isn’t connected to SPs. Scientology makes sure that Tom is always surrounded by Scientologists,...David Miscavige called COVID “a planetary bullbait.” Bullbaiting in Scientology is a drill where Scientologists are taught to hold perfectly still while being “baited” into a reaction....Anything you see coming from Scientology and Scientologists, such as mask wearing and supposedly humanitarian efforts, is just a show. It’s for public relations reasons only.

Tom’s reaction that was released yesterday shows his true personality. He is an abusive person. I witnessed it, I’ve been a recipient of it on a small level, and I’ve been told of similar abuse by his former girlfriend, his employees, and his friends. This is the real Tom. This was the same reaction Tom gave his household staff when they did not have the right ingredients for him to make chocolate chip cookies. This is the same type of tirade Tom launched into when an assistant had the audacity to serve him a drink in a chipped mug.

Tom does not care of the abuse that employees of the Sea Organization receive, Tom does not care that Shelly Miscavige is being held prisoner by her husband David Miscavige, Tom does not care because Tom subscribes to the abusive culture of Scientology. If you are a Scientologist and work for Tom, if you step out of line with Tom, if you want to work fewer hours to raise your children, Tom will send reports to his church on you. And reports like that end up causing an employee to pay for interrogations costing thousands of dollars. Did Tom care about his poor employees not seeing their children when they were required to work inhumane hours? Does Tom care that they did not have money for their children’s education because they were being security-checked for him? How about the Scientology assistant who asked to leave working for him to raise her family? This person was sent to Scientology for interrogations for months accusing her of having “evil undisclosed intentions towards Tom” for wanting to leave. This became so costly that she lost her home. Did Tom care about her feeding her family? Anyone who is a Scientologist who works for Tom is working for Scientology and they are sent to Scientology to be “handled” for Tom, costing that person thousands and thousands of dollars.

Tom does not care about the families of his crew; this is all for publicity. Tom does not believe in family values. I mean, how anyone is falling for this is just mindblowing. I would bet that Tom had this rant written for him and had his Scientology assistant record and release it. Hearing a rich actor with enormous power address his crew in this way is a sign of weakness and a deeply troubled person. This is not just a rant of another asshole actor. Tom Cruise pretending that he cares is why a few have called him out. They know this is a publicity stunt, they know what Tom really is and what Tom really believes. Tom believes in the destruction of family if a member decides to leave Scientology. Tom belongs to a cult that forbids victims of pedophiles to report to the police, Tom belongs to a cult that forbids victims of rape report their crimes or abuse… and if they do, his cult says their lives should be destroyed for doing so. Tom has a history of being abusive to his inner circle, including the abuse of neglecting his own daughter, Suri. His mental state is showing. Tom seems to think that Hollywood is incapable of making films without his help. Saying such a thing indicates the godlike figure Tom believes he is, and what he is told by Scientology. The reality is, anyone who is working in Hollywood today is working under strict COVID guidelines. Anyone who is working knows this. Tom Cruise is not dictating how films are being made, even if he seems to think so. This psychotic rant only proves what many who know Tom or have worked for Tom knows: He is an abusive dictator just as he was taught by his guru David Miscavige.

To commend this behavior only signifies that those who find this behavior normal or brave were probably abused or are abusers themselves. This is an actor with enormous power on the set of his film, this is not just a guy in the middle of a public place standing up to someone for not wearing a mask. This is Tom friggin’ Cruise wielding his power and threatening and degrading his crew.

As a producer and the lead of a film, Tom addressing his crew in this manner is a clear indication that he is used to abusing his power. He thinks this is normal behavior and, to be clear, this is “normal” behavior coming from a Scientologist. In fact, this is tame coming from a Scientologist. Abuse is not only taught in Scientology, but also commended. Hearing Tom abuse his crew while others are praising him for showing that he cares is a farce. 

No one needs to be “addressed” by Tom about safety codes. There are producers who could have and should have handled the situation privately and professionally. What more likely happened was, two crew members who were in the same zone were talking to each other and Tom saw this as an opportunity to appear as the epitome of strength; of a leader who is taking this pandemic very seriously. This behavior is not normal or appropriate. No one can respond to his outburst without being fired. And again, this is not a pandemic that Tom and Scientology believe in.

In addition, Scientologists are so manipulative and abusive that they believe that this “tone” is the “winning tone” of the country right now and therefore can only help Tom’s reputation to have this leaked. 

Imagine if this were a woman. She would be called a lunatic. 

On a movie set there are COVID officers who monitor mask wearing. Crews are separated into groups and zones and are not allowed to step into zones they are not assigned to. The camera crew is in its own zones, and they are only allowed to be with each other. The wardrobe department is in their own zones and must eat together. They cannot mix in other zones, they must wear wrist bands that show what zones they are. The set is taped off to show where the zones are, and people know not to walk in a zone they don’t belong in. All cast and crew are tested every other day, temperatures are taken every day upon arrival to set, new masks are given upon their arrival, anyone from out of town must stay in their hotels and are monitored, they are driven to set from those in their zones. They are not being monitored by Tom Cruise; they are being monitored by the COVID officers assigned to the movie. There are strict guidelines that are being required to be on set. 

So, my short answer to how I feel about yet another one of Tom’s psychotic rants being exposed? I am getting “small dick energy” from Tom and men like him. 

And I only wish someone had stepped in and had done something about it. We have enough of the types who stand by and allow this kind of behavior to go on.

— Leah Remini [edited]

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