-- David Letterman, one of the wrong-headed Left's Class Clowns for the last eight-and-a-half years, adding more weight to my regularly-scheduled argument - that he and the Left are, pretty much, all a bunch of idiotic, corrupt and valueless weasels - while revealing his adultery with young workplace staffers (and his hypocrisy - could your boss get away with that admission and keep his job?) as reported by ABC News.
I don't want to keep saying, "I told you so" about these people, but,...
Since I can assume he'll (wrongly) keep his job, can i also assume there won't be any more jokes about Sarah Palin's "slutty flight attendant look" - or her daughters - in the future? (We can also assume it's lines like those which got him laid at work in the first place, right? It's either those or the ones that A) prop up Obama, or B) knock American values,...)
I can assume all kinds of things, I guess, but (as I keep reminding you) it's what I know that matters most, and I didn't need David Letterman's televised confession to tell me he, long ago, became a loser, a user, an abuser, and a scumbag:
His show told me that already.
UPDATE: Here's the clip:

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