Friday, April 2, 2010

You're Looking For Doti Boon? Why Me Too!

I know, I know - don't look at it: the title was a joke! - just continue on, reading, until it's sight can be erased from your mind:

Some SearchMonkey's been doing some very interesting searches for, what has to be, one of my favorite NewAgers in the whole wide world, Doti Boon: The California Psychic - check it out:
'doti boon' crook
'doti boon' fraud
doti boon transvestite
As you've seen above (don't look!) this immoral weirdo is all these things at once, and then some. And, Folks, seriously, that's not a face - or a look in the eye - anyone should be wanting to take advice from. (The hat, alone, is a major no-no.)

So I wonder what prompted this search? Has Doti destroyed someone's life? Or merely ripped someone off? Did "advice" from it's "guide" take a wrong turn? Did one of it's cassettes fall into the wrong hands again? Or was one of it's scams uncovered?

Man, I'd really like to know,....Damn it, I don't want to have to go on a search, myself, back into the NewAge netherworld of websites and bulletin boards that consists of shit like this or worse. Or even worse. (The shit makes my brain hurt.)

Fucking fuck shit, I don't want to do it, but this here calls for an act of desperation, so fuck it - here goes nothin' but a total break in protocol:

Come back, SearchMonkey, come back!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This can't have effect in actual fact, that is exactly what I consider.

  3. Do you even know Doti Boon or are you just another lonesome bully troll stirring up shit? I DO know her and she is an absolutely wonderful person. She doesn't lie, she's not a fraud, scammer or transvestite. Those must be your attributes.
