Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Meditation: If We All Do Nothing, Something Will Happen


 I can't see picking on this poor guy any longer, when - after his rarely-mentioned stint with the Maharishi - he's spread their cultish thoughts and tactics so thoroughly, almost every Westerner uses them as a way of life. I mean, considering their political track record, this is the Right-Wing law professor network's argument in a nutshell - up-to-and-including "peddling questionable remedies" as they go:

"It’s a time-honored custom that when a scientist is caught out saying something stupid or wrong, he responds not by defending his ideas or admitting error, but by flaunting his credentials.  'Look at all my degrees, publications, and honors,' he says. 'Does that not give me credibility?'

But science doesn’t work that way.  Scientists don’t defer to authority and credentials: we defer to the quality of one’s arguments and the evidence that backs them up.

Sadly, Deepak Chopra hasn’t learned this lesson.  Although he began life as a respected physician, he went off the rails when he encountered holistic, ayurvedic, and 'alternative' medicine (the last is synonymous with 'quackery'), and now he makes millions peddling questionable remedies and phony wisdom to credulous New Agers."

Who kill, deceive, destroy lives, yada, yada, yada. But nobody cares, until it's them, or because it's not (yet) so - from this day forward - all you can do is isolate yourself as best you can, from their glorious ethics-less future, because operators are standing by.

"For entertainment purposes only" of course,...

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