Thursday, November 14, 2013

Ted Cruz's Old Man (Explains Why Ted Cruz Is Done)


  1. The scary thing is that I could see somebody saying this straight up...this isn't straight up, right?
    (I mean hell, we've had so called smart, sophisticated folks who have called for massive depopulation in order to "save the world", you know, it wouldn't surprise me).


  2. No more nutty than people Young Obama was raised with. Ted Cruz is not going to be the nominee, let alone president. But Ted Cruz was correct in opposing Obamacare...because it caused more harm than good.

    I disagree with Ted Cruz's father. Such talk, is not helpful. Athiests (for the most part) are not the problem. Statists are the problem.

    You can criticize his method all you want, but that government shut down will not be the issue in 2014 (other than Ted Cruz issued a warning). The issue will remain Obamacare.

  3. Actually EBL, I was kind of referring to some of the nutty people Obama has hung out with in my parenthetical remark (Bill Ayers?).

    As for Cruz: what has he really accomplished?
    There were others who have opposed Obamacare who have done a better job of expressing their distaste for it.
    The issue may be Obamacare...but it will be a losing issue if the GOP doesn't effectively get out in front of it with a plan of their own which benefits the country as a whole, at least a little bit.
    This wheel spinning is a sure loser. (not to mention that thanks to some within the party, it does indeed appear as though the right is at the same level and even brand of nutty as the left...that's hardly going to be a winner either).

    Since when did the Know Nothings make a comeback? And how the hell did they get so popular in some circles?


  4. PW, fair enough point about Bill Ayers.

    I respect all who have made pointing out the flaws and failures of Obamacare a priority.

    And really, why does the right have to have its own socialized medicine plan? The old system had its flaws, but eighty percent were insured. We insure all kids already. No one is turned away for any sort of emergency care (with the rest of us subsidizing it). So while I agree some improvement could be done, what was the pressing need for this debacle? The Democrats cause a lot of harm to a lot of people. And it was completely unnecessary.

    As for Ted Cruz, for a junior senator he has done fine. So has Rand Paul. I respect both of them for the short time they have been in the Senate a hell of a lot more than how John McCain and Lindsay Graham have acted over the past twenty years. Their BS has caused far more harm than good.

  5. Ugh, this is why Cruz and company have pissed me off (and that includes the stupid pundits):

    It doesn't have to be socialized medicine...just get a freaking healthcare reform plan ready to roll! Get some response out there (because the left is going to roll out single payer, bank on it that's their goal, not this, this was a compromise, have you been watching what they say? -- don't get caught behind).

    Eighty percent were insured...under a better economy, and it has been a fiasco (why do you think they clog the emergency rooms with things like the flu? because no doctor will take them...and then what?). And that was with a stronger economy; we aren't going to have that in the next few years (or I'd be highly surprised if we did).
    At the very least, if not for practical and humanitarian reasons, at least for political ones, the GOP needs to have something by way of healthcare reform (and they'd better not allow themselves to get fucked with any new developments with the farm bill/SNAP; that's coming too...this amnesty thing will be tied to both as well). I'd like to think they won't get caught with their dicks in their hands, but I'm not confident.

    What have Cruz and Paul done, actually? "They don't do BS like X and Y" is not a concrete answer -- come on, you know that. What concrete things have they done, other than, well, grandstand and maneuver politically? Weren't these the things Obama was just as guilty of?
    In that regard, hate to break it to you-- but Graham has gotten more things done, aka. he's more effective (you may not like what he does, but he has been behind the scenes doing things; and I'd wager, that if one looked at his record instead of at what bloggers write, he may have been more effective in supporting conservatism than either Cruz or the Pauls, or some of the other right wing darlings -- and that has been the problem of late, the pundits are picking who's on top, and nobody challenges their wisdom, which hasn't been very accurate; I wouldn't take them to the racetrack or the produce aisle with me). Hell, Harry Reid is a big freaking asshole...but he's more effective at getting things done than either Cruz or Paul (Sr. and Jr.).

    No more of this politician as partisan celebrity crap -- country can't take much more of that.


  6. Lindsay Graham -- 92 ACU rating.
    Whose going to be primary-ing him?

    And...what have they done? (other than say the right things and get promoted by pundits...the same pundits who told everybody that Christine O'Donnell and Mitt Romney stood a good chance, I might add -- just to be mean, which I am now, because this is getting old for me...because I'm an Illinoisian who had to hear hot and heavy how Mark Kirk really was a staunch conservative who would fight for the conservative/GOP cause from some oh so smart bloggers....bwahahahahhaahaha!).

    I'm tired of the right just as much as I am the left -- I'm tired of pundits pissing on my leg and telling me it's a gentle spring shower and I should get down and roll around in it delighting.


  7. OMG! This is the guy who is running second as a challenger to Graham! hahahhahhahaha!

    Oh, and this chick Nancy Mace...whose claim to fame is that she wrote a book about how special it was being the first woman to graduate from The Citadel, and be a Brig.'s baby girl...and also to be co-owner of a tabloid with that Will Folks dude...

    Yeah, great line up the true blue's have there. I can't see how either one of these couldn't blow the doors off of that nasty ol' RINO with the 92 ACU rating, whose on a bunch of Senate commissions, as well as blow the doors off of whomever the Dems run. Why, either one could win in a walkover...and probably do just great in the senate seeing as how they appear to be such great statesmen (oops, and woman) material.

    Seriously, this has got to stop -- this is how people get rolled, and honestly, you'd deserve it because this is self inflicted. And above all, what good is this doing the people?
    This is how political movements wind up with no credibility, none whatsoever -- and there has to be a party of opposition, but the right wing keeps this shit up...oy!


  8. South Carolina is one of the weirdest states in the Union.

  9. And the national Tea Party and libertarian groups are doing their part to make it even weirder.

    And yes, yes indeed: those two darlings have ties to...wait for it...white supremacist groups in SC. Oh, and ponzi schemes. Oh, goody!
    I guess there's some other guy named Cash challenging -- and the "homeschool your two dozen, quiverfull of kids and teach them Jaysus rode a triceratops" is the vibe he gives off.

    Naturally, since national libertarian and tea party groups are pumping money into these campaigns, national level conservative bloggers are going to help push one of these candidates, the press is going to report on it -- it is, after all, now been made national the whole nation gets to hear about all of this...

    Of course Democrats are delighted ...never interfer when an enemy is slitting its wrists and shooting itself in the head after all...

    And might I interject -- who are the real weirdos here? Because it seems as though the tea party/libertarian/Christian conservative groups at a national level are the ones pushing all these fruit loops out there and supporting them to the hilt. So I'm not so sure that SC isn't getting unfairly smeared here.


  10. PW, you lost me there. But keep spinning that BS about white supremacists and Republicans if that works for you.

  11. Well, that's too bad, because I'm kinda thinking that trifling BS is going to wind up being a problem:

    Now, from what I gather this group used to be a bunch of Civil War buffs who were into cataloging grave markers and rosters and doing reenactments -- hey, cool, everybody has to have a hobby. But it appears as though those guys have gotten kicked out now, and have replaced with fellas who say things like this:

    As well as being gung ho supporters of Tea Party/Republican Liberty Caucus (Ron Paul's old group) candidates. Candidates like Cruz, Paul, Palin, whoever is primarying any "RINO".

    Although I'll give you this: with some of that commentary: it's not just going to piss off minorities.

    But hey, go on with your bad selves; no worries, right? It's all just BS anyway -- nothing to see here, move along.


  12. Now in all honesty, I don't have a problem with some of these GOP incumbents being primaried -- hey, that's the way the system works.

    But look who you are getting led to support in the primary-ing process.

    And why is what I just wrote starting to sound way too familiar?

