Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Use Your Noodles

- The Crack Emcee, Monday, November 25, 2013

- The Raw Story, Tuesday, November 26, 2013


  1. Depends upon the hair and the school: the straightening is a no go, but if her style is too long or she is doing a lot of decoration to her cornrows (and forget dreadlocks, I don't see those going over at all), then the school is within their rights to ask her to go with something more conservative but still stay traditional.
    It's a parochial school -- they could have a pretty strict to the point of uniforms dress code -- and that's one of the compromises people make when they send their kids to them.
    So the straightening is a no-no, but if she's got a nonconservative hairdo, even a traditional one, then she'd have to do something about that -- unless of course this particular parochial school doesn't have a code it enforces, then case out the window.


  2. They did not tell her to straighten her hair. They told her to cut her hair. That is a pretty common requirement in many Christian schools, regardless of race.

    She certainly has the right to say no and go to public school or another private school of her choice (that does not care about her hair).
