"So, Crack, how exactly do you propose I stop NewAge?"

That's easy. For starters, stop inviting ugly NewAge transsexual
voodoo priestesses to "cleanse" your home by molesting your kids. That would be a hell of a start. As a matter of fact, if an ugly transsexual introduces themselves as a voodoo priestess, it's probably best to just say, "Yea, right, Fatso" and keep on moving.

Another thing you can do is start becoming aware of the signs. There's certain symbolism NewAgers are attracted to, like
U.F.O.s and cancer, that define the parameters of their vision. They all gravitate to the same stuff. I mean, Scientology's also based on the concept of aliens, right? And they also claim to cure cancer.
Catching on yet?

So, of course, they want to "save the planet". And, of course, the guru's got an
"organic penis" - who doesn't? The point is, if you start to notice what NewAgers focus on, you can easily navigate around them, avoiding the pitfalls of their stupidity while, also, denying them someone new (whether it be you or one of your friends) to exploit.

One way you can learn to spot the symbols (without actually attending a stupid seminar or ritual) is to study the signs you can easily find in the mediasphere, especially regarding Hollywood, like when a NewAge fruitcake
divorces his pseudoscientific-autism-spouting anti-vaccination porn star wife whose ideas hurt kids. (Child abuse is big with this crowd.)

Do you see? There's a lot of stuff to work with there. Or how about the actor who
called a psychic when (cancer alert!) he fell ill? Normal guys wouldn't do that. Bone up on this stuff - start with one of my favorites,
quackery, maybe - and you, too, can at least be assured to avoid some really
bad entertainment.
Try to avoid
stupid paranoid groups is another one that comes to mind. What are they afraid of? Those folks who are always on you to, for instance,
treat your dinner plate like a medicine cabinet, are a pretty safe bet to have already been indoctrinated into something, even if it's just
liberalism. Those who hold others
selectively accountable are also
suspect in my book.

Damn it - gotta go - but, rest assured, I'll be back,...
Oh my god, there's so much helpful info here!