Saturday, May 25, 2013

You're Late (Like I Was,...)

I wish somebody, anybody, had told me Louis C.K.'s FX show, Louie, was right up my alley.

I just caught the first season on DVD and got completely blown away. 

Divorce, depression, delusion, dark comedy and comedians, odd encounters, religion, politics, male bonding, gays, insanity, women, insane women, and so much more (we even share the same first name) make Louie so perfect for me - even though he's a liberal - I find it hard to understand how nobody said, "Dude, check this out."

Here's someone I can identify with, like the widow in the documentary 51 Birch Street recently.

Good men, trying to make sense of a very weird, very cruel, world.

Unfortunately, I don't think the Louie stuff I can post here is the best, but - to see some of that - go to YouTube and check out this remarkable poker game scene. It's searing. But nobody's shying away from anything. Everyone at that table - whether you agree with them or not - is being fucking courageous. And that's exactly how my friends and I talk, too.

So, of course, we would've had a few choice words for that gay guy,...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks loads for the Louis tip. The poker clip was brilliant and, at the same time, horrifying. A "faggot" is a bundle of sticks..."every gay guy has heard that shouted at him while he was being beaten up".

    Sometimes, amigo. All you can do is raise the middle finger and laugh.
