Sunday, August 9, 2009

Who's Really Telling The Truth? Me - A Black Man - These Three Liberals, Or Your Own Lying Eyes?

"There are kooky conspiracy theorists who just can't accept that they lost and we now have a black man as the President of the United States,...."

-- Orac - that fucking genius from Respectful Insolence - throwing his own racism around, and calling it (what else?) Respectful Insolence.

"The driving force behind the town hall mobs is probably the same cultural and racial anxiety that’s behind the 'birther' movement, which denies Mr. Obama’s citizenship."

-- Paul Krugman - that fucking genius from The New York Times - "probably" throwing his own racism around, in (where else?) The New York Times.

"Superimpose that idea, through the Joker’s makeup, onto Obama’s face, and you have subtly coded, highly effective racial and political argument."

-- Philip Kennicott - that fucking genius from The Washington Post - forcefully throwing his own racism (and stupidity) around, in (where else?) The Washington Post.

Hat Tip: Cato@Liberty

UPDATE: THE Jammie Wearing Fool adds Andrew Sullivan to the kooky racial hate list with this comment:

"We have a guy here who still believes Trig Palin is not Sarah Palin's son, yet has a field day with the kook Birthers. While I agree with Sullivan the Birthers are cranks, he goes off the rails by implying it's some racist conspiracy against Barack Obama.

Memo to Andy: Get over your own paranoid obsessions before opining on those of others. It might add a bit of credibility to your argument."

Oh, man, you gotta love it.

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