Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Oh My God! Quick - Somebody Call The Media! Threats Are Being Made Against The President!!!

"I contend that the media is aggressively reporting on, highlighting and pursuing any and all possible threats to President Obama — and even hints of threats — but they purposely glossed over, ignored or failed to report similar threats to President Bush.

Why? I believe it is part of an ideological bias: most mainstream networks and newspapers tried their best during the Bush administration to portray the anti-war movement as mainstream and moderate; whereas now they are trying to portray the anti-tax and anti-health-care-bill protesters as extremists and as fringe kooks.

To achieve these goals, they essentially suppressed any mentions of the violent signage (including threats to Bush) at anti-war rallies, but have highlighted anything that could even conceivably be construed as a threat at anti-Obama events.

Is there a double standard? Seems to be.

Every threat to Obama is now vigorously pursued, trumpeted and dissected by the media and the blogs, and roundly condemned. And I condemn such threats as well.

But in the past, whenever someone threatened Bush at a protest, there was a deafening silence on the part of the media and the left-leaning blogs, and consequently very little (if any) follow-through on the part of the Secret Service. Which I find quite distressing. I was condemning those threats in the past (as best I could, by drawing attention to them on my blog) — but few people were joining me in my condemnation.

I am NOT (repeat: NOT) defending anyone who threatens a president’s life. That’s the whole point. I say that anone who threatens Obama should be arrested and/or investigated. All I am saying is that threats to Bush should have been similarly pursued — but weren’t.

And the only reason I’m publishing the essay is that many Obama supporters — to my astonishment — now claim that Bush was never threatened at protests. Before we can have a rational discussion on this topic, we need to have a shared factual basis. The evidence,...will establish that basis.

If you truly, truly cared about presidents’ lives being threatened, you would be just as incensed by people threatening Bush’s life at protests as you are about (the far less frequent instances of) Obama’s life being threatened at protests."

-- Zombie, putting the lie to the Left and the "liberal" media, about the Left and the "liberal" media being liars - the quotes are for my main man Orac: the always-objective "scientist", who still sees what he wants to see, like a level political playing field (and a fair media) where there is none - and Zombie's display also even includes some very surprising celebrity threats (it's surprising I'd forgotten about them) all reborn on the absolutely priceless Zombietime.

I swear, you guys are nutty, and you "kill me" with your never-ending hypocritical bullshit, how you hate those Obama/Hitler posters because the LaRouche's are behind them. Maybe you should, like, get together and "get your stories straight" or something. Oh - wait - I get it:

That's what we conservatives are for.

Like that next-to-last picture ("Worst President ever") is of a BLACK woman carrying a picture of a WHITE president with a bullet hole through his head. Where was your outrage then? Did anybody call her a "racist" or a "kook"? Nope. Not one of you liars (including Orac) could see it then. That's because you're brainwashed. You're controlled. You're tools.

You're lost.

1 comment:

  1. Post-Bush and with Palin temporarily out of the spotlight the left seems listless. They can work up only tepid enthusiasms for "health care" despite all of the cheerleading efforts of the media/Pelosi democrat machine. Thanks to TMR and Zombietime for showing what the true face of their "liberalism" looks like.
