Friday, November 2, 2012

So I Will NOT Be Slipping Into High Heels Anytime Soon

It's a small study, but it might explain a lot of things anyway:
Research shows that when we put ourselves into someone else’s shoes, the part of the brain used for cold, hard analysis is suppressed. 
The finding could explain why even highly-intelligent people get taken in,...
My own "research" shows, in the NewAge, this is working for spiritualists, quacks, women, babies, some "minority" some of the time, and gay men - in that order, and voted on by each other:

Everybody else better shave. 

Clearly, along with the divorce and single mother birth rate that goes with it, this not-thinking-because-we're-thinking-of-others stuff is on a serious tear,...


  1. Yeah, then the Randians and the like use that same study to convince people that they shouldn't feel any guilt (nay...they should feel "light of heart and spirit" and I suppose an untroubled mind, since it's supposed to be so damn logical) when they march certain groups of looters/moochers/parasites/ and assorted untermenschen to the showers.

    It's a double edged sword really -- the only thing you can hope for is that your feet don't get too cut up balancing on the edge...and that you don't trip and fall on either side.


  2. I suppose the first step is in knowing that one can never walk in someone else's shoes.
    However, that does not preclude the notion that one can still try to learn from others and try not to repeat their mistakes nor fall blindly into the notion that right and wrong can't at least be grasped a little (which will not be perfect, but it's the only thing we've got).

