Saturday, April 10, 2021

Thomas Jefferson Made Sure I'll Never Be Free (Of Thomas Jefferson's Legacy)

This morning, I woke up thinking about an educated American white person I talked to, yesterday, who - in pure Jeffersonian fashion - reiterated, over and over, how they were more concerned with their personal freedom than whether their decisions have a negative impact on American blacks. I'm still thinking about it because they actually insisted, over and over, that I - a black person their decisions negatively affect - should also be more concerned about their personal freedom, too. White people - even friendly white people - are hilarious, in how slavery-minded they still are, today.


I told this person to fight racism, and reminded them George Carlin was smarter than most of us, and the point of his "Seven Dirty Words" bit (that there are NO BAD WORDS) did NOT become invalid just because internet gatekeepers decided - without evidence - that doing a word search, to eliminate "nigger", will also somehow magically eliminate racism or racists, and not just restrain my freedom of expression, or give my enemies ammo.
They responded - with a demand to do what they want - in pure Jeffersonian fashion. My black ass be damned. It's easier to to do a word search, you see. That's what the struggle against racism is all about: finding how whites can fight it as easily as possible. They might as well let their slaves do it, I say.


Another good one was when the conversation turned to NewAge cultism, and the suggestion was made that I lose my struggle to expose it - not because it's basically one uneducated (and now traumatized) black guy trying to end the Catholic church or something - but because upending the Age of Unreason is merely a popularity contest (This is a from a person who started out by denying cultism was even really a social factor in America when I first introduced the idea - which was long before Montel Williams' ex-girlfriend became Vice President). That women are at the center of how mumbo-jumbo conquered the world - with their never-ending demands to do what they want, at all costs, even if it's insane or they have the power of "The Oprah Effect" to move the stock market - was also completely lost on them.
They merely responded with a demand to do what they want - and a demand I be concerned about that, instead - in pure Jeffersonian fashion.

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