I've posted "Institutionalized" before - very recently actually - but not with lyrics. (I know some don't enjoy Punk because they can't understand the words, so I'm glad to see this video out there.) I offer it, again, as my ultimate contribution to discussions of the latest mass murderer.
I find the argument "What are you trying to say, I'm crazy? When I went your schools?! I went to your churches! I went to your institutional learning facilities!" to be quite compelling, assuming there was learning going on as well.
But, as I and others have labored to make clear, the rest of society - or even the rest of the world - doesn't give a damn what we learned in their schools, in churches, and institutional learning facilities. It's a bait and switch:
Beliefs - not knowledge - rule the world.
So, if you stick with what you learned in school, trouble will surely follow. If you see through what they do in church, you can and will be ostracized. And if you're not brainwashed - by somebody - there's obviously something wrong with you. Just ask Oprah.
No - you have to ask Oprah:
Is "I'll figure it out myself" one of the most threatening statements, to the West's current social order, ever created?
Get back to me,...

I'm not sure if it's threatening the current Western social order, but when somebody says it, or expresses the desire to do things that way they sure treat that person like a threat.
...and the more that comes out on this whole school shooting thing, the more I'm beginning to believe that the man who didn't wasn't (or didn't start out) as crazy as his mother
Now, I'll be honest: my husband and I "prep"...but it's for a major snowstorm that takes out the power and snows us in for weeks, or a tornado, or a flood (which can all do the same)...because honestly, when you live out in the back of beyond you kinda have to do that...but we aren't turning our little hillbilly shack into the Alamo, our philosophy on life considers that a big joke anyway...and we wouldn't take a kid with questionable ability to judge right from wrong and control himself out and cook off rounds at the range with him either (and cooking off rounds is just stupid and wasteful anyway, and just tells me maybe you need to go back to practicing with a BB gun).