Sunday, April 11, 2021

Talking To Ann Althouse And Glenn Reynolds On Race (Is Like Talking To The TV)

Rich white professors who blog can define the parameters of any discussion: who hears it, what arguments are accepted as valid - all that - and it makes no more difference, that they're full of shit, than it does that the news media sucks, too. When have you ever heard rich white professors who blog really admit they were ever wrong about something important - or about anything really? I've been reading them for years - even participating with them - and I haven't seen it. They're all accusations about others.
Society's at their mercy. All they have to do is tune out what they want and they determine any debate - especially on race. Glenn Reynolds and Ann Althouse can be 100% wrong on race (and often are) and I can be 100% right (and often am) but Glenn Reynolds and Ann Althouse never have to admit it (neither ever feels ethically called to do anything - especially tell the truth) and they're always determined to get their wrong message out - helping no one but themselves, because they're not telling us the truth - and they can do this because they have their misguided following, and the control over them, and what else do you need to mislead? That's why I didn't join Reynolds' crew years ago:
They act like a white cult, misleading us - not as actual spreaders of information - but as intellectual frauds, no better than Oprah. The non-racists, without a single black voice, telling other whites that blacks are all wrong. And, with a hostile white following, no black feels comfortable around. And refusing to be publicly challenged. That's how you know they're truly courageous.
Years ago, I found these people because I was desperate about the cultism that's now consumed our nation, and was seeking them out for help: Needless to say, that's now a life lesson in how overwhelmed blacks can make huge mistakes - judging character - in America.

Cultism has since grown worse than ever, because these blogging professors are just smug, clueless, and greedy cultish white assholes, too - with a sheep skin. And our nation's going straight to Hell because of them: they disrupt NOTHING. Glenn Reynolds looks smug because he's making money off the suckers - not helping the country find it's way, in any way whatsoever.

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