It’s Holy Week for the world’s Christians, leading to the most significant event on the calendar, Easter Sunday. How does the national media cover such a significant week? The Media Research Center took a look at the media coverage from last year’s Holy Week and compared it to coverage of Earth Day. Who did better, Jesus or Gaia?Whatev. I especially hate how even Hot Air will admit they know this is NewAge crap, as well as NewAgers reporting it ("Who did better, Jesus or Gaia?") but won't cop to it, or go on the attack with it. Did the Left spare Bush for his Christianity? No. Then why spare the Left for their nonsense when you'll admit it's "destructive"? Listen to this:
Media Undermine Christian Holiday: Nearly two thirds of all stories about Easter were negative (22 out of 34).
Easter Used to Attack Catholic Church: Ninety-one percent of the negative Easter stories were about the pedophilia scandal in the Roman Catholic Church.
Love That Mother Nature: 100 percent of Earth Day stories were positive.
I have nothing against Earth Day in and of itself. While the politics of environmentalists are destructive, it’s not necessary to denigrate the efforts of individuals to help improve the environment through private and individual action. The problem with Earth Day is that it’s used as a platform to argue for statist “solutions” to environmental issues that will tend to keep people in poverty and create even more power for a small clique of elites at the top of government and big business.
Those arguments could use a skeptical eye from the media. As MRC reports, though, they got a tongue bath instead,...
"It’s not necessary to denigrate the efforts of individuals to help improve the environment through private and individual action."Even when it's destructive? Good Lord:
Spoken like a true rube.

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