Saturday, February 13, 2021

Being Black In America Has A Very High Price Tag (Whenever Democrats Run)


2013: President Barack Obama awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to A) Bill Clinton, who has four Democrats credibly accusing him of rape, and B) Oprah Winfrey, who spread conspiracy theories, misinformation, and pseudoscience, on American television and throughout the world, for 30 years. By the time of her award, she had also promoted James Arthur Ray - a murderer - and would soon also help the convicted rapist, John of God.


After leaving office, the Obamas knew enough about television production to, somehow, to move into it themselves. On Netflix.


 A sneak peek came after Oprah Winfrey executive produced Ava DuVernay's tale of The Central Park Five on Netflix, called “When They See Us”. The Daily Show - a fake news program - happily promoted it as a Civil Rights revelation.


It's actually such a Civil Rights nightmare of lies ( much like the Democrats did with "Milk") it inspired one of The Central Park Five's arresting officers to come forward and remind us there's a difference between the real world and the Democrat Party's various fictions about all the rapists and murderers they know.


President Trump recognizes that difference, and says so, but, of course, the Democrats have him so regularly demonized and vilified in their media for doing so, he might as well not even bother.


Joe Biden recognizes that difference, too. And he knew that Democrat-friendly media would allow him to use The Central Park Five lie as a diversion from ever addressing black families he harmed with his 1994 crime bill. He's called the bill a "mistake", but what a black family is supposed to do with his "mistake" - now that, say, my nephew is dead - he never says. He did say I'm not black, if I can't vote for him, though. That helped my decision, not to do so, greatly.


 His VP is so fucked-up, racially, she'll require a whole other post to herself.

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