Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Stupidest. President. Ever. (You Decide Which)

"I should give you, the new US administration, this advice. Mr Obama came to power with the slogan of 'change', meaning the American people like the rest of the world want a change in the colonialism policy. Therefore it would have been imperative for him to take part in the world's most important conference of racism and denounce racism, (confirming) that the US is pursuing a changed policy in confronting racism. But to sit at his place and condemn my remarks is not helpful in solving the issues.

Death to America and death to Israel."

-- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, slamming Obama with the same bullshit wedge issue our punk-assed president ran on - remember him (wrongly) accusing John McCain of being a racist? - on the AFP.

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