"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience."
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
People have insisted I'm living in a ghost story - even I'm an illusion.
This Earth has to be haunted!
This is but one way I still endure the the rattle of chains to slavery's past.
Another is I am also still expected to embrace it's "faith".
Naturally, lying to themselves, believers rarely see the problem:
Good isn't mixed in with the bad - society couldn't have evolved:
They've been mixing bad into the good.
They're continually plaguing the modern world with "ancient teachings".
Performing rituals, trying to move reality around, hoping unbelievers trip and fall.
And each time I get up - sometimes even by utilizing "spiritual" means - my laughter, and unwillingness to compromise, causes further frustration, and a kind of awe.
You see, when spirits see me happy, they also see something they could never grasp about humanity - and life even - on their own:
Like, how to truly LIVE - not as a spirit - but as a Man.
A man who doesn't feed off anybody's fanaticism.
A man who doesn't trust "flawed" human beings trying to be better.
A man who doesn't find spirits "sexy".
A man who knows enough not to have an interest in magic, beliefs, what "may" happen, or why anybody's scared but children.
A man quite comfortable around darkness and death.
And that - I'm sure you know - is now the ultimate "spiritual" dilemma:
But there's something even more important - the reason why.
I've never seen a declaration of spirituality as anybody's path to freedom.
But just a reminder - with 100% certainty - They're Dead!

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