MacLaine replied, “Homeopathy can be made with radionics. I don’t know enough scientifically to talk about it without looking in my book because I had to do a lot of research.”
“But this is something you mix and drink? Is it a concoction that is for / to cleanse?” Hasselbeck continued to press, prompting MacLaine to shoot her a look and say flatly, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Following the commercial break, Hasselbeck whipped out MacLaine’s book and read excerpts about the Oscar-winning actress’ practice of mixing toxins with urine, implementing radionics to cleanse it and then drinking the water that remains.
It’s a homeopathic remedy to which MacLaine ascribes, called “The Law of Similars."
-- Maggie Taylor, who seems to think “I don’t know what you’re talking about” is a witty and/or defensible comeback, on GayWired.com
Oh, she knew: Shirley MacLaine knew that if she copped to drinking urine, on live television, her cover of "normalcy" would've been blown forever. Also, she can't explain "scientifically" what she's written about - without checking her book?
The fact MacLaine got away with this, on Hasselbeck's show, speaks volumes about the extent of liberal bias the other women of The View exhibit - how they're more than willing to let their friend and co-host, Elizabeth Hasslebeck, spin in the wind, even when she's correct, just because she's a conservative.

Note that MacLaine says she couldn't explain the "science" without looking it up in HER OWN BOOK. That pretty much says it all, doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteSM doesn't write any of her books. She's from an Illuminati family. She has a ghostwriter.
ReplyDeleteWho are you gonna call?... ghostwriters!!!