Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Secret: Attracted To Getting Byrned

“Rhonda actually insisted that we not have a contract – she said they limited people’s freedom, that they’re designed to guard against things going wrong, which is not the way of The Secret because it is focusing on the negative. That’s when I started to think, ‘This doesn’t feel right.’”
-- Drew Heriot, director of The Secret movie, on his lawsuit against it's creator, Rhonda Byrne, in The Australian

And this was rich (no pun intended):
"She said my company wouldn’t be working with her again and they’d be using another writer and director for the sequel. I said, ‘I can’t believe you are doing this. Are you saying there is no profit-share?’ She said, ‘Yes, but I can return the $10,000 you gave me.’"

1 comment:

  1. Remember Harry's Place, and the blogburst in support? Well, they're in jeopardy again --
