The issue is not Reverend Wright. To each his own. but would you let your child listen to that hate? The issue is that there is a pattern in Barack Obama's associations. The list is long and the associations span decades of questionable judgement. This is the point that John McCain and Sarah Palin are trying to make.
However, as much as I am concerned by these past associations, it is his future associations that keep me up at night. Who are these associations? Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Howard Dean, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, and Charles Rangel. This group are the leaders of the Democrat Party. They currently hold key leadership spots in Congress.
What have they accomplished in the last two years? Not much. It's not surprising that they have a 13% approval rating, 9% at it's low. With this group in charge and the possibility of a filibuster-proof majority, there will no longer be checks and balances in our government. There have only been a handful of times in our history where one party has had this much power in government.
There is one big difference between when this occurred in the past and it occurring now.... The Media. Americans were able to depend on the media to hold politicians accountable. They were able to tell the American people when their government had let them down or were about to. We no longer have that watch dog."
— "Stacy", putting it out there for all to see, and calling it Smart Girl Politics

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