To which I say "Fine - it's your funeral."

The issues facing this country at the federal level are so large and complex that only honest people have a chance of fixing the problems. We all know that we are not dealing with an honest opposition. We are dealing with people who are only trying to maintain their disgusting grip on the levers of power. See Shumer just today. This country is about to crash in a horrible “Man caused disaster” and we can not get that message to the vast majority of people. Our leadership plays games while we know the Titanic is sinking.

Aren’t there some rich Republicans who can save the momentum of the anti union push with an independent expenditure? …
Where are the Kochs when you need them?

[If] some deep pocket conservative [could] pull together 90 of the most brilliant conservative creatives, [and] pay them a living wage,...we could BURY the left.

Aren’t there some rich Republicans who can save the momentum of the anti union push with an independent expenditure? …
ReplyDelete[If] some deep pocket conservative [could] pull together 90 of the most brilliant conservative creatives, [and] pay them a living wage,...we could BURY the left.
So let me get this straight - "Big Fur Hat" wants somebody - anybody - but preferably a "deep pockets" Republican sugar-daddy to:
a. Blow a bunch of $$$ to make sure that actual hard-working people in public service - ambulance drivers, nurses, teachers, etc - can't bargain collectively for health-care and retirement benefits, etc
b. Blow yet more $$$ to ensure that a small collection of right-wing satirical bloggers get a "living wage" for their little hobby
Um.... OK
I will leave it to someone else to point out the irony here
But the truth is the next time someone falls down the stairs or has a heart attack in my house, I'm going to call 9-11 and be damn glad when the EMTs show up
Some dude who writes snarky blog posts restating limbaugh's talking points in foul language accompanied by pictures ripped off from google image search?
Not so much.
ReplyDeleteAhh, you're back with a name! Good. You're still an idiot:
Blow a bunch of $$$ to make sure that actual hard-working people in public service - ambulance drivers, nurses, teachers, etc - can't bargain collectively for health-care and retirement benefits, etc.
And then you mention your old friend - irony. Always trying to pull the wool over people's eyes. Tell me:
Why should a PUBLIC SERVANT, who makes MORE THAN I DO, be able to have a UNION collectively bargain - over how much of MY MONEY they receive - when they're negotiating with POLITICIANS THEY PUT IN OFFICE with UNION DUES, and not only are they driving us into the poor house but giving me LOUSY SERVICE to boot? Who looks out for the tax payer - ME - in that scenario?
The union? NO.
The public servant? NO.
The politician? NO.
Your lying ass? NO.
So it's left of to me to stop it myself.
You cynically think you can fool people - and you will fool some - but I'm on to you, know it's a racket, and will continue to expose you as liars.
You're welcome.
Looking at your press kit it appears that you were a pretty successful recording artists for years, somehow managing to put out hit records without a "deep pocket conservative" to back you
ReplyDeleteWhy you would want to hitch your wagon to these losers makes no sense to me
If anything as a black atheist it sounds like a recipe for frustration in addition to being completely unnecessary
You're welcome
Let me come in here on the side of collective bargaining.
ReplyDeleteYou have 2 collectives, you see?
The employees (public servants) and the employer (taxpayers).
Any change in the employment circumstances must be agreed upon by both collectives.
Put every union contract up for a vote.
Collective bargaining. YAY!
The next time someone falls down the stairs or has a heart attack in my house, I'm going to call 9-11 and be damn glad when the EMTs show up.
ReplyDeleteWhy do I get the idea that people falling down the stairs happens a lot at your house? But I digress:
“Seriously, a unionized air traffic controller literally asleep in the tower at the main airport for the federal capitol? And now the president threatens to veto a bill that slightly curtails the power of the union protecting that guy? Remember these ATC union types say they’re all about safety but c’mon.”
Like I said, not only are they driving us into the poor house but giving us LOUSY SERVICE to boot.
Looking at your press kit it appears that you were a pretty successful recording artists for years, somehow managing to put out hit records without a "deep pocket conservative" to back you
ReplyDeleteNo, those would be "deep pocket liberals"
Why you would want to hitch your wagon to these losers makes no sense to me
Would the fact that - with the exception of about every 20 years or so - these "losers" kick the Democrats' asses, pretty thoroughly, be a good reason? (And it seems to me, since that's the case, you do not yet grasp the meaning of the word "losers". Or understand the very country you live in, since it so regularly rebukes you, and all you stand for.) You're like some girl's back-up boyfriend.
If anything as a black atheist it sounds like a recipe for frustration in addition to being completely unnecessary
You seem to be under the impression that being amongst a bunch of kooky NewAge liberals was a greater joy to be around. Tell me, what part was I supposed to be enjoying more:
The incoherent-except-when-it's-just-plain-wrong political philosophy, the constant displays of personal hypocrisy, or the ever-present corruption and exploitation of the innocent posing as spiritual enlightenment?
Like us fighting a new war in the Middle East after you came to power from bitching for 8 long years about how awful it was for us to be fighting a war in the Middle East - and now you want to act like I shouldn't notice - just as I'm not supposed to notice all the other instances where you've shown you have no values - after stating for 8 long years that your superior moral values were what all this trouble you were causing, for the country you claim to love, was about.
Big Pink Underpants, indeed. Here's another name for you, in case that one gets old:
The Fat Lady's Blouse.
Well, do you want to be an "artist" or do you want to be a "political activist" or a "blogger"?
ReplyDeleteArtists make their livings in the market - they make cool songs or paintings that the public will pay to listen to or to see - there's no guarantee of succeess there, which is where the expression "Don't quit your day job" comes from
Political activists make their living doing straight jobs too, but get out there with their signs or whatever on the weekends to protest, motivated by pure patriotism
And then of course we have bloggers, who make their money through advertising (e.g., google ads, amazon affiliate, etc)
I don't know of a single one of these groups that has an expectation that they should be guaranteed a "living wage" for their hobbies, do you?
FWIW, the minimum wage in the US right now is about $7.25 an hour, and there are plenty of people who make that who are alive, so technically that seems like it should qualify as a "living wage"
Personally I think the minimum wage should be higher so that people can also afford clothing, medical care, etc, but then again I'm not one of those Tea Party types who wants eliminate the minimum wage altogether as a way to "oppose federal tyranny" ;-)
Oh great:
ReplyDeleteNow you're not just someone who makes stupid comments, but someone who thinks - after acknowledging my success in music and, with your participation, being part of my success here - those stupid comments have earned you the right to give me career advice.
I swear, the arrogance and self-delusion of liberals is off-the-fucking-charts.
And you wonder why I'm not on your side:
Look in the mirror.
Wow, you are awesomely adept at side-stepping and deflecting direct questions
ReplyDeleteHave you ever considered becoming a career politician?