It even includes a post that seems to be a favorite of TMR readers world-wide: "Stop Being Stupid Assholes (With Your Stupid Assholes)". Man, the concerns of my readers are so interesting!

I'm re-discovering what a nice person I can be: I'm smiling at strangers again, and trying to lend a hand where I can. And - though they're not always responding in kind - it does remind me of all those studies that show conservatives are just happier people than liberals (because we're not as cynical) and makes me think it'll pay off in someone else's life down the line. You know:
If they're afraid of black guys and are merely showing me an aggressive front, then the next time they run into another black, they'll remember how nice I was to them - and be a little bit more trusting - and then that black person will have an easier time knocking the shit out of them! (Kidding!)

Could it be better? Of course, but (as NewAgers have taught me) it could also be worse - much worse - and why let the assholes get you down? As long as they stay away from me, my world is pretty much A-O.K..

I used to tell my ex-wife that, but she just never got it. Being French, she always thought work was a chore, and complained about what she did or who she had to endure while doing it. I hear the same thing from the people I encounter now, and I can't relate.

Here's my "philosophy" in a nutshell: stay informed - while keeping your own counsel (with the assholes at arm's length) so the rest can work out, on it's own, in time.
Which ain't exactly profound but - hey - nobody comes here for that anyway. What do they come here for? I'm not always sure but, clearly, part of it is so they don't have to spend their time farting around with some asshole.
And, no, I couldn't help but turn another statement on something as ephemeral as NewAge beliefs - and something as very-real as assholes - into a fart joke.
I am a simple man.
All you other dicks "stay up", and I'll talk to you tomorrow,

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