TMR thinks everyone should be very concerned about the indoctrination of children that we've witnessed recently, from kids being taught to sing hymns to Obama to now this: kindergardeners being forced to sign pledge cards on Gay issues - the very thing Gay advocates said wouldn't be done in their names. This is precisely why TMR has taken the position it has that there hasn't been a full enough open dialogue on Gay issues - amongst adults - a dialogue Gays seem more than a little reluctant to engage in or allow. Trying to force people just to do as they want, through backroom deals, laws, and the courts, without acknowledging possible flaws in their reasoning is manipulation of the worst kind and (as evidenced by the recent acceptance of Prop. 8) the American people will not stand for it.
Come on, folks: let's try a little honesty, and maturity, now.
One more thing: TMR covered the controversy surrounding Diatha D. Harris, the school teacher who intimidated her students whose parents were McCain supporters, mentioning such behavior - or even the subject of our current national politics - has no right to be engaged in during elementary school. Now TMR has learned that Miss Harris "normally wouldn’t discuss politics in a math class, but the TV crew asked her to engage the children in the political dialogue." Really?
If this is so, it isTMR's position that this Swedish film crew had no right to suggest such a thing take place in an American Elementary classroom and they, and Miss Harris, at the very least owe America an apology for their behavior. It's a shame when adults sporting a camera, or standing before one, don't comprehend the power they are exerting over others - or are giving such a shallow situation more power than it deserves. They were all wrong, and have placed a large segment of our nation in an uproar, which wouldn't have happened if all involved had used better judgment.
If you decide to push, then you should expect to be pushed back, because that natural give-and-take is the very meaning of:

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